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  Question If I am a previous HIV Reagent Program registrant, How do I register to receive HIV materials through BEI Resources?

The NIH HIV Reagent Program  was transitioned into the Biological and Emerging Infections Research Resources Program (BEI-RRP), NIAID' s centralized research reagent repository known as BEI Resources, as of January 14, 2024.  Please see the Registration Information page for instructions on how to register.

Author: BEI Resources
Submitted on: 1/14/2024 10:51:40 PM
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New registration requests for the NIH HIV Reagent Program will be accepted through December 15, 2023, after which time the HIV research community should register with BEI Resources.

The NIH HIV Reagent Program will stop accepting orders after January 4, 2024 and BEI Resources ( will begin taking orders for NIH HIV Reagent Program materials on January 14, 2024.

Last Updated: 1/14/2024 10:51:40 PM


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