Global Priority Superbugs


Access to priority pathogens is critical to the research and development of novel diagnostics and antibiotics and optimization of current therapies to address increasing rates of antibacterial resistance. BEI Resources supports these efforts through the availability of top pathogens assembled into the Global Priority Superbugs collection.


The Global Priority Superbugs collection consists of clinically relevant, multi-drug resistant isolates with known genotypic and phenotypic activity against a variety of critical antibiotic classes, and represents critical and high priority drug-resistant pathogens identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as having the greatest potential impact on public health.


These Superbug strains are useful for discovery and development processes for novel antimicrobial drugs, molecular-based detection assays, updated sterility protocols and more. Data related to original source, isolation year, geography, collection site and antibiotic resistance for targeted drugs is available for each Superbug strain.

Reference: 1. "Prioritization of Pathogens to Guide Discovery, Research and Development of New Antibiotics for Drug-Resistant Bacterial Infections, including Tuberculosis." World Health Organization, Accessed 22 August 2023.


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